PC Gamer (Italian) 30
PC Gamer IT CD 30 2-2.iso
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Text File
234 lines
0 Crystal Report Control 4.6
6 The filename of the report to be printed
7 The destination of printed output - window, printer or file
8 The coordinate of the left side of the print window, relative to its parent window
9 The coordinate of the top of the print window, relative to its parent window
10 The width of the print window
11 The height of the print window
12 The title of the print window
13 The style of the border of the print window
14 If set to TRUE, the print window will have a control box
15 If set to TRUE, the print window will have a maximize button
16 If set to TRUE, the print window will have a minimize button
17 The handle of the window which is to be the parent of the print window
18 The number of copies to be printed on the printer
19 The filename for output when printing to file
20 The type of file created when printing to file
21 A formula to be merged with the current record selection formula in the report
22 A formula to be merged with the current group selection formula in the report
23 An array of new definitions for formulas in the report
24 The array of record sort fields
25 The array of group sort fields
26 An array of database files to use when printing the report
27 Print the report, returning the resulting error code
28 Set this property to 1 to print the report
29 Display the About box
30 The number of the last error (0 if there was no error)
31 The text of the last error message
32 An ODBC connect string
33 A JET session handle
34 The user name used to open a protected MS Access database
35 The password used to open a protected MS Access database
38 The Data Control to report on
39 Choose to use a report file or to get data from a data control.
41 Text for the header of a bound report
42 If set to TRUE, footer of bound report will include page number
43 Job status
44 Number of records read
45 Number of records selected
46 Number of records printed
47 Number of page showing in print window
48 Number of pages printed
49 Number of first page printed
50 Year part of Print Date override
51 Month part of Print Date override
52 Day of the month part of Print Date override
53 An array of new conditions for group sections
54 Overrides SQL query string
55 If set to TRUE data in report file ignored
57 If set to TRUE controls included at bottom of print window
58 Name of printer driver file
59 Name of printer
60 Name of printer port
61 The number of copies of the details section
62 First page to print
63 Last page to print
64 Synonym for CopiesToPrinter
65 Collation of reports sent to Printer
66 Print window starts minimized maximized or normal
67 Left Margin of report
68 Right Margin of report
69 Top Margin of report
70 Bottom Margin of report
71 If set to TRUE report number format used in some export formats
72 If set to TRUE report date format used in some export formats
73 Separator used in export to Character Separated Format
74 Quote character used in export to Character Separated Format
75 Message subject when exporting to email
76 Message text when exporting to email
77 People on To list when exporting to email
78 People on CC list when exporting to email
79 People on BCC list when exporting to VIM
80 An array of new minimum heights for report sections
81 An array of new format information for report sections
82 An array of new height information for report lines
83 An array of new font information for report sections
84 An array of new values for stored procedure parameters
85 An array of new type information for graphs
86 An array of new data information for graphs
87 An array of new text labels for graphs
88 An array of new option information for graphs
96 The handle of the window which is to be the parent of the dialogs
97 An array of new values for parameter fields
99 If set to TRUE progress dialog is displayed
100 Get number of pages in report
101 Show first page of report in print window.
102 Show last page of report in print window.
103 Show next page of report in print window.
104 Show previous page of report in print window.
105 Show specified page of report in print window
106 Set zoom level of print window
107 Change print window to next zoom level
108 Display Printer Selection dialog
109 Name of the Exchange profile
110 Password for the Exchange profile
111 Name of the Exchange folder
112 ODBC data source
113 User ID for ODBC data source
114 Password for ODBC data source
115 Name of new table in ODBC data source
116 Lines per Page for Pagenated Text export
117 An array of new table logon information
118 Fetch Selection Formula from report
119 Replace Selection Formula in report
120 Copy table locations from report to DataFiles property
121 Copy table logon information from report to LogonInfo property
122 Copy query from report to SQLQuery property
123 Copy procedure parameter values from report to StoredProcParams property
124 Connect to a data service
125 Disconnect from a data service
412 Invalid Print Destination.
413 Cannot get selection formula.
414 Sort field must begin with '+' or '-'.
415 Invalid Parent Window Handle.
416 Not enough memory
417 bad Group specifier in GroupCondition
418 bad Field specifier in GroupCondition
419 bad Condition specifier in GroupCondition
420 bad Direction specifier in GroupCondition
421 bad Height specifier in SectionLineHeight
422 bad Type specifier in GraphType
423 bad Direction specifier in GraphData
424 bad Section specifier
425 Job already started
426 DataSource property not set
427 No printable fields in control's data
428 No TrueDBGrid control on form
429 Invalid report file name
430 Unable to logon to server
513 Values for the Destination property
514 Values for the WindowBorderStyle property
515 Values for the PrintFileType property
516 Values for the ReportSource property
517 Values for the PrinterCollation property
518 Values for the WindowState property
768 To Window
769 To Printer
770 To File
771 EMail via MAPI
772 EMail via VIM
773 To Notes
774 To Exchange Folder
775 None
776 Fixed Single
777 Sizable
778 Fixed Double
779 Character Separated
780 Crystal Reports RPT
781 CSV
782 DIF
783 Excel 2.1 XLS
784 Excel 3.0 XLS
785 Excel 4.0 XLS
786 Excel 5.0 XLS
787 HTML 3.0 Draft
788 HTML Internet Explorer
789 HTML Netscape
790 Lotus 1-2-3 WK1
791 Lotus 1-2-3 WK3
792 Lotus 1-2-3 WKS
793 ODBC
794 Pagenated Text
795 Quattro Pro 5.0 WB1
796 Record
797 RTF
798 Tab Separated
799 Tab Separated Text
800 Text
801 Word for DOS
802 Word for Windows
803 WordPerfect
804 Report File
805 Bound TrueGrid Control
806 All Data Control Fields
807 Uncollated
808 Collated
809 Default
810 Normal
811 Minimized
812 Maximized
1000 Crystal Properties
1001 cc245
2000 Crystal Report Control
2003 General
2004 General properties for the Crystal control
2006 Print to File
2007 File properties for the Crystal control
2008 Printer
2009 Printer properties for the Crystal control
2010 Print Window
2011 Window properties for the Crystal control
2012 Database
2013 Database properties for the Crystal control
2014 Selection
2015 Selection properties for the Crystal control
2016 Data-Bound Report
2017 Data-Bound Report properties for the Crystal control
2018 Report files (*.rpt)|*.rpt|All files (*.*)|*.*||
2019 Choose Report
2020 rpt
2021 Record
2022 Tab Separated
2023 Text
2024 DIF
2025 CSV
2026 Tab Separated Text
2027 Character Separated
2028 Crystal Reports RPT
2029 Excel 2.1 XLS
2030 Excel 3.0 XLS
2031 Excel 4.0 XLS
2032 Excel 5.0 XLS
2033 Lotus 1-2-3 WK1
2034 Lotus 1-2-3 WK3
2035 Lotus 1-2-3 WKS
2037 RTF
2039 Word for Windows
2041 HTML 3.0 Draft
2042 HTML Internet Explorer
2043 HTML Netscape
2044 All files (*.*)|*.*||
2045 Choose Output File
2200 To Window
2201 To Printer
2202 To File
2203 To EMail
3000 Property is write-only
3001 Property is read-only
3002 Invalid array index
3100 ReportFileName property must be set before calling method
3101 Do not use both Connect property and LogonInfo property
3102 Do not use both SelectionFormula and ReplaceSelectionFormula
3103 DLL name must be specified
3104 A string is too long